Portfolio > The Mother of all Cunts

CUNT is Not a Dirty Word!
I have been using the word CUNT proudly ever since I saw Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues in Toronto in 2001. That was 20 years ago! I have cajoled friends and family to take back their CUNTs daring them to just say the word...cunt.....play with it, Cunt, practice it cunt cunt cunt cunt love the word and love your CUNT and
then one day even yell it from the roof tops
C U N T!!!
Some have come along for the fun....many have not.
In January 2017; a reporter on the street ask’s a small Irish girl of about 5 years old what she thinks of the new president of the United States. She declares in the sweetest of voices, “He’s a Cunt!” Everyone laughs and applauds her and the video is shared over and over again because everyone think this is so bang on, so cute.
How is it that this little girl knew the worst insult for this vile, racist, misogynistic man was to compare him to her own beautiful little cunt?
Misogyny is alive and well and internalized before we even un- derstand what we are saying. Language matters. Until this changes, nothing changes.I am tired of CUNT being the worst word in the English language.
CUNT is not a dirty word! My CUNT is not your insult!
CUNTS bleed for the world.
CUNTS birth the world.
CUNTS are beautiful and miraculous. If not for a CUNT, you would not be here!
This is my Ode to CUNTS.
I painted giant red letters on a black canvas, God is a CUNT
And then I kept painting....page, after page, after page, Happy Cunt, Sad Cunt, Hairy Cunt, Naked Cunt, Skinny, Fat, Degraded, Mystical, Raped, Murdered, Open, Closed....the words just kept coming.
When I ran out of paper.......
I turned them over and painted on the other side.
And now here it is,
398 CUNT paintings!
In this fat little book of CUNTS!
And a few blank pages for you to add the ones you can’t believe I didn’t put in this book!